Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - tango, October 2009 - Taught by Christian Wassinger and performed by Jack and Nancee (syllabus).

Also see, advanced October cha cha video

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Tango dance lesson syllabus:

2 Tango Walks, SS
Progressive Link, QQ
Closed Promenade, SQQS
4 Step, QQQQ& (to promenade on the &)
Promenade Link; SQQ, (no weight shift on 2nd quick)
Open Reverse Lady Outside, QQS QQS
Outside Swivels to Promenade, SS&

Promenade Natural Rock Turn, SQQS QQS QQS
Progressive Link (to promenade), &S
Chase, SQQQQ (close to partner on 2nd Q; lots of CBM on 3rd Q; backing LOD on 4th Q); Chasse to the Right, SQ&Q
Whisk and Quarter beats, SQQQQ&S (rotate to right to end facing DC of newLOD; might even want to begin rotation to right during the steps of the preceding chasse)

Syncopated Closed Promenade, SQQ& (close to partner on the &; lady crosses left foot in front of right with weight change to left; weight change on all 4 steps[not like in video])
Fallaway Slip Pivot, QQQQ (I prefer, SQQS)
Reverse Turn (Viennese Cross), QQ& QQ& QQ&S (step BLOD with right foot on S)
Twist Turn (to promenade), QQQQ (end facing newLOD in promenade position)

Promenade with Swivel (or hip/foot twist), SQQQQS (finish in closed dance position)
Brush Tap, SS&S
Tango Walks, SS
Open Left to Promenade, QQS &S

Promenade Twist Turn, SQQSS (man's part), SQQQQS (woman's part; she's walking around man on 2nd pair of Q's while man twists [similar to back spot turn])
Closed Promenade, SQQS
Over Sway (not a ThrowAway, as shown in video :(), SSSS (lunge to promenade on 1st slow, shape (oversway) on 2nd slow; rise/recover on 3rd slow; to promenade on 4th slow)
