Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Hustle, June 2012 - performed by Jack and Tammy (syllabus).

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Also see, advanced June tango lesson

Hustle syllabus for June 2012:

From Steve S.:

  • open basic to closed dance position

  • basics to 2-hand inside turn to closed dance position but sweetheart hold finish

  • basic to release to open 2-hand hold

  • 4 beat 2-hand right side pass with double right underarm turn to sweetheart but with neck wrap finish (maintain contact with right hand to right hand but 'drop' her left hand on 2nd turn)

  • release to doubly crossed hands

  • right side pass with 2-hand underarm double left turn

  • release to 2-hand open hold

From Shawn T.:  (note that Shawn teaches hustle with a basic step that does not rock back; i.e. follower uses a closed-brush step; i.e. close on the & and small forward step on the 1; instead of rock in place step):

  • from closed basic to 1-hand open hold

  • hand brush (lead places follows hand on his waist as they change places; follow maintains hand on waist) with hand change

  • right side pass to basic starting position but with hand shake hold

  • follower underarm right turn to overturn (hammerlock) to unwrap (lead moves back onto track to face follow)
    optional:  lead underarm turn to left as does follower (man can spiral on 2 to get around quickly)

  • from closed basic to standard 1-hand open hold

  • hand brush with hand change to handshake hold

  • right side pass with underarm right turn to shadow position

  • send out with 2-handed underarm right turn (finish with left over right)

  • another 2-handed side pass with underarm right turn and changing places and right hand over left

  • this is tricky part:  another 2-handed right side pass but this time the lead spirals in front of follow on 2 keeping left hand up and right hand over his head and then down

From John N.:

  • wrap to sweetheart
  • free turn to left, then catch follower by waist with both hands and lead left turns while leader moves back and forth across track

