Syllabus for Balboa Park Dancers, November '07 lessons
for Foxtrot
LOD - Progressive basic; SQQ
LOD - Feather; SQQ (the quicks are outside partner)
LOD - Spiral; SQQ
LOD - Grapevine SQQQQQQS
Pivots (3x's) SSS
DW - Twinkle/Hover SQQ
Natural Turn with SQQ, SQ&Q
woman's inside turn
and man's chasse finish
(man and woman end up
side by side or v-shape
with man facing DC
and woman facing DW; is this open counter promenade position?)
Fallaways (2x's) SQQ, SQQ
Or with double syncopation
Spin option SQQ, SQ&Q&
Fallaway (finish with SQQ, SQ&Q
Woman's outside turn and man's chasse
To closed position, LOD)
Spirals SQQ
(x's 4, finishing 4th spiral in closed position facing W; weight
on right foot)
W - pivot turn SQQ, SQQ
(man steps back with left foot)
DW - fallaway SQQ
BLOD - slip pivot S
LOD - Telemark Q&Q
(to over swayed promenade position)
W - X lines SSSSS (finish in promenade)
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