Syllabus for Balboa Park Dancers, June '08 Advanced Tango Lesson; Choreographed and taught by Marlyn MacDonald (assisted by Ingrid):

Part 1:
DW - Link to promenade (7,8 count of measure)

DW - Basic chase - SQQ (closed dance position on 2nd quick), Q (step forward and outside partner), QQ&Q (chasse to mans right) 2M

DW - Link to promenade QQ

DW (new LOD) Extended chase - SQQ (closed dance position on 2nd quick), Q (step forward and outside partner), QQQ (pivot turns), QQ (forward walk, with second quick to outside partner), QQ&S (chasse to mans right) (14 beats plus 2 beats with the preceding link to promenade for 4 Measure's)

DW (new LOD) - Link to promenade QQ

LOD - Syncopated Promenade walk to closed dance position (woman closes with left foot in front of right, SQQ& -

LOD - Fallaway to slip pivot - QQQQ

Part 2:
LOD - Reverse turn with Viennese cross, QQS QQS

DW - 1-3 of Reverse turn (woman's heel pull on 2nd quick), QQQ (3rd quick [step to side] begins chasse to left) Q&S (lunge/oversway on Slow)

DCBLOD (backing diagonal center) - Shape, QQQQ

DCBLOD - Ronde, S

Slip pivot - QQ

DCBLOD - Four Step QQQQ (end facing DW)

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