Syllabus for Balboa Park Dancers, May '08 Advanced Waltz Lesson

Part 1:
DW - Hover

DW - Man: 1-3 Natural Turn (crosses in front of lady to side by side); Lady: Inside Turn (free turn)

LOD - Man: Progressive Walks (change hands on 3 to hand shake); Lady: 1 -3 Natural Turn (lady crosses in front of man to side by side)

Part 2:
LOD - Progressive Chasse (change hands) (12&3)

LOD - Man: Progressive Chasse; Lady: Syncopated Left Turn (12&3)

LOD - Man: Right foot check; Lady: Left foot back into develop’ kick (123)

LOD - Man: Back on left to Open Hover then forward to PP; Lady: Right foot forward into hover and into PP

Part 3:
LOD - Man: Right foot forward into V. Cross (1, 2, &, 3); L: Left foot forward, side, side, together
LOD - Man and Lady 4 – 6 Reverse Turn, end facing DW

Box (turn 1/2 to DC)

Part 4:
DC - 1 – 3 Reverse Turn
BDC - Man: Back right, side, point; Lady: Forward, side, together both 4-6 of reverse turn
DW - Man: Hold, step onto right, hold; Lady: Right turn (123) – to right, side-by-side
BDC - Left foot spiral (left foot across, side, replace)
DW - Side by side Grapevine (1, &, 2, 3) (right cross if front, side, right cross behind, side)
DW - Side by side Grapevine (1, &, 2, 3) (right cross if front, side, right cross behind, side)

Part 5:
DW - Man: Chasse left (1, 2, &, 3) to BDC; Lady: Right turn to closed position (1,2,3)
4 – 6 Reverse Turn

Box (turn 1/2 to DC) (omitted this box; hence commenced Part 6 facing DW rather than DC)

Part 6:
DW - Hover to PP
LOD - Chasse in Promenade Position (omitted this in dance video)
LOD - Chair (check, 23)
LOD - Curving 3 forward
BLOD - Curving 3 Backward
LOD - Check (extend SLOWLY!!!; 2 measures)
LOD - 4 - 6 Reverse Turn

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