Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Viennese Waltz, December 2010 - performed by David and Carrie (syllabus).

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Viennese Waltz syllabus for December 2010:

Reverse turn toward middle of room

Fleckeral to left (reverse): for man -
123, begin with left foot forward (between partner's feet), then right foot side, then left foot forward (toe,toe,toe);
456, side,cross behind,side (toe,toe,toe); all with team rotation to the left (should rotate left ~ 720 degrees);

Contra Check (123; 1-heel lead with contra body motion, 2-back on rt foot, 3-side and slightly back)

Fleckeral to right (natural): for man -
123, right foot forward, side, forward (toe,toe,toe);
456, side, cross behind, side (toe,toe,toe); all with team rotation to the right (should rotate right ~ 720 degrees);

Natural turns
