Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - cha-cha, February 2009 - Taught by Yolanda Vargas and performed by Jack and Xu (syllabus).

Also see for February advanced tango lesson

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ChaCha syllabus for February 2009:

New York - Ronde
2 sets - Basic in Place
Rock Step in Place
New York - 3 Patty Cake's - New York
Aida - Forward Rock to Switch Turn
Alemana (from Forward Rock)
Rope Spinning
Hockey Stick
Break to Spiral Turns on beat 2 with woman moving forward)
Break to free turns on beat 1 with woman moving backward
Break to Spiral Turns on 2 (woman moving forward)
Break to sweeps on 2,3 with woman moving backward
Open break to sweetheart position; sliding doors, with and without turns
