Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Rumba, April 2012 - performed by Jack and Jasmine (syllabus).
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Also see, advanced April quickstep lesson
Rumba syllabus for April 2012:
- Basic Step in Open Position (prep on 1; break on 2)
- First part of basic to Open Hip Twist to Fan
- Alemana
- Spiral and Rope Spin
- Opening out 3 Times
- Spiral, Inside Turn, Back to Aida & Rocks
- Step Point and switch Turn to end with Right to Right Hand Hold
- Rumba Walks with Spiral, Man Backing x 2
- Alemana and Spiral via right hand to right hand hold
- step-step-Ronde - QQS (man's ronde optional)
- Inside Turn (still right hand to right hand hold) to hammerlock
- Natural Pivots 2,3,4,1
- Free spin right to face to face, open 2-hand hold
- Rumba walks to left, QQS QQS (or 2341 2341)
- New Yorker
- Alemana x's 3
- Swivels SS (23 41)
- Swivels QQQQ (2341)
- Free spin to left to open dance position (2-hand hold)
- begin again
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