Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Standard Quickstep, August 2012 - performed by Scott and Caroline (syllabus).

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Quickstep syllabus, for August 2012:

DW - natural spin turn SQQ SSS

BDC - v-6 - QQSS QQS QQS (back lock on first set of quicks; forward lock on 3rd set of quicks)

DW - 1-3 of natural - SQQ

BLOD - back lock - SQQ

BLOD - running finish with xtra slow step outside partner - SQQS

DC - 1-3 of open reverse

BLOD - reverse corte - SSS (last S, the right foot brushes 'toward' left foot)

BDC-ALOD - prep step for tipsies- S (left foot back)

tipsy chasse (x's 3; last tipsy is) - Q&Q (tipsy right sway, rotate rt. 3/8 turn, man shapes head toward follower), Q&Q (tipsy left sway; rotate right 3/8 turn; man shapes head away from partner ), Q&Q (chasse to right with right sway but no rotation)
[note that tipsy can be danced with QQS timing and rotation can suit need to accommodate desired direction of dance]

DW - forward lock - QQS

DW - prep for running contra check - S

DW - run through contra check - SQQ (with right side leading thru SQQ)

W - straight into closed rollie pollies - SQQ SQQ SQQ SQQ (for man: forward-side-back, back-side-forward)

Begin again
