Modified Hockey Stick to New Yorker with checking action finish
Repeat New Yorker but with Ronde finish
side Steps to left x 4
Cuca Rachas x 4
underarm right turn (UART) to Shadow Position
Wapachaw Syncopated Time Steps, begin Left foot (&1&2&12) begin Right Foot (&1&2&1&; note the different timing)
Cha Cha Walks Fwd in Shadow for 2 Measures (23, 4&1, 23 4&1)
Free spin release to woman in front - 2341 (facing away and offset to right) man and woman finish on right foot forward; woman facing away)
Syncopated Lockchaws (2&3&4&1&; woman pivots on left foot to face leader on & (same foot as the 1))
Handshake Hold, Right Side pass with UART; End in Sliding Doors Position (side by side with handshake hold)
2 Modified Sliding Doors; for second sliding door, man cuts off woman as she backs into him on 3; then he sends her forward to turn and face him on the 1