Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Waltz, January 2012 - performed by Scott and Caroline (syllabus).

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Also see, advanced January west coast swing lesson

Waltz syllabus for January 2012:

DW - natural spin turn

BDC - right turning lock to forward lock - 12&3&

LOD - quick open reverse with slip pivot finish - 1&23 (rise on 2; slip pivot on 3)

LOD - double reverse spin - 12&3

LOD - bombshell - &12&3 (for woman); 123 (for man), strong rotation around team center for both man and woman

W or DW - contra check - 123

BDC - switch - 123 - weight back on right foot; step to side with CBM; back on right foot and pivot to nLOD

LOD - open telemark - 123

DW - chasse to close - 12&3

DW - Natural spin turn

BDC - 4-6 of reverse turn

LOD - double reverse spin

LOD - chasse right

BDW  - back whisk

DC - chasse

begin again.
