Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Salsa, July 2012 - performed by Jack and Tammy (syllabus).
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Salsa syllabus, for July 2012:
Part 1:
- Two Basics, Forward & Back
- Crossover
- Underarm Turn
- Pick up in CDP (closed dance position) with back spot turn
- Opposing breaks to Cross Body Lead to Side by Side (Follower on Left of Leader; both on left foot)
- Bachacatas x Four
- Four Points
- Four Cucarachas
- Apel Slide with Back Basic to Facing
- Open Right Side, Underarm Turn
- Four Bachacatas in Tandem with Follow Turning L, R, L and leader walking forward
- Forward Half Basic, Underarm Turn
- open break to closed swivels
- kick-swivel (x's 2)
- underarm right turn to handshake pickup
- half moons
- underarm right turn to right over left hand pickup
- open break to turkish towel
- free spin release to left
- free box step with hops with basic 2-hand hold pickup finale
Part 2: (Pierre and Susan's stuff)
- man turns right, then woman turns right with left over right finish
- left side pass with 2-hand underarm left turn
- man under arms to side by side (123)
- lady underarm left turn handshake finish
- crossbody lead to Titantic
- helicopter 123 567 123 567 (underarm left turn on last 567)
- underarm right turn
- open break to pose and free spin left release
- basket whip
- burrito
- unwrap from burrito to hammerlock
- left side pass with underarm left turn
- pretzel move to walk-around
- basic
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