Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - Samba, November 2012 - performed by Scott and Susan (syllabus).
Home | Balboa Park Advanced Dance Videos Also see, advanced Foxtrot lesson video Samba syllabus, for November 2012: stationary samba breaks - 1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8 stationary/rotating voltas (1-4 turning left [rotate around left ft.]; 5-8 turning rt.; opposite for lady) samba points (down the line of dance; alternating right hand point down the line of dance and right hand up [for guy]) - 1&2 (rt. hand point ahead) 3&4 (rt. hand point up) 5&6 7&8 maypole - underarm volta rt. turn for woman while man voltas CCW around her - 1a2a3a4 forward bota foga, x's 4 (rotate body 1/4 turn per bota foga, and rotate hands from down to up, keeping fingers pointed upward i.e. more energy) wapacha walks (kinda like cha cha lock steps but don't close) - 1a2 3a4 5a6 78 (man steps back on lft. ft. on 6, holds on 7 and steps back to shadow on 8), while woman steps fwd. on 6 and 7 and rotates 180 to rt. and steps back. to shadow on 8. samba walks - 12 3&4 56 7&8 (cha cha locks on 3&4 and 7&8) maxixe - 1a2 3a4 (kick rt. ft. across lft. ft.) 5a6 7a8 (kick lft. ft. across rt. ft.) bota foga to side by side (both end on inside ft) butterflies - x's 4 (man across woman then woman across man; repeat) pick up to closed and rollout to side by side (with rt. to lft. hand hold) - 5a6 7a8 forward walk with ladies wrap and unwrap free spin to woman voltas around man to pickup for BEGIN AGAIN |