Syllabus for Balboa Park Dancers, July '08 Advanced Salsa; Choreographed and taught by Steve Showers:1. Basic, Legend: 1H=1 Hand Hold; 2H=2 Hand Hold; 5P=5th Position, one foot loosely crossed behind the other; ALOD=Against Line of Dance; B=Back or Backing; Bhd=Behind; Cl=Closed Position; CPP=Counter Promenade Position; DC=Diagonal Center, 45° L of LOD; DW=Diagonally to Wall, 45° R of LOD; Fwd=Forward; H=Hand; IN=Inline w/Partner; IS=Inside Turn or Spin; L=Left; LF=Left Foot; LH=Left Hand; LOD=Line of Dance; LOp=Left Open Position Lsd=Left Outside Partner; Op=Open Position; OS=Outside Turn or Spin; PP=Promenade Position; Q=Quick; R=Right; RF=Right Foot; RH=Right Hand; ROp=Right Open Position Rsd=Right Outside Partner; S=Slow; Sh=Shadow Position; UA=Underarm; WA=Walk Around; X=Cross; XBL=Cross Body Lead; XHL=Crossed Hand Hold, L over R; XHR=Crossed Hand Hold, R over L |