Balboa Park Dancer's: Waltz Syllabus for May 2010 as choreographed and taught by Scott Dodson:natural spin turn (overturned to BLOD) turning lock (1&23) chasse from promenade (12&3) quick open reverse - 1&2&3 (begins with right foot; slip pivot on 3) double reverse spin (12&3) highline [1 (with cbm), 2 (side step with man's head left, woman's head right), 3 (hold positions); 456 (head's rotate to LOD) step back ALOD, collect to counterpromenade (123); shape to promenade (456) chasse from promenade open natural to outside partner hover cross (rock step) and exit with 4-6 of reverse turn (end facing DCALOD) chasse right (12&3) outside change with chasse (1&2&3) -> facing DW Ready to start again! Home | Dance Videos 2007 | Dance Videos 2008 | Dance Videos 2009 | Dance Videos 2010 |