Balboa Park Dancer's Advanced Dance Class: International Tango Syllabus for October 2010 as choreographed and taught by Scott Dodson:4-step - QQQQ (finish in promenade) syncopated closed promenade - SQQ& (finish with partial lock) quick open reverse - QQQQ (slip pivot on last Q) Viennese cross - QQ& QQ& QQ& QQ& Quick heel pull - QQ (remain in closed dance position) double chasse left - QQQQ (or Q&Q&) oversway (or challenge line) - SS (no weight change on 2nd slow) ronde - S (yes! change weight) sleep - S (man back on left foot; woman forward on left foot and head on man's right shoulder) wake up (pivot to promenade) - &QQ head snaps - &S&S natural twist turn beginning SQQQQ (hook right foot behind left foot on 3rd Q; man rocks on 4th Q, while woman continues past man) pivot - QQ lunge to right - S (stay in closed dance position) head change to promenade - S promenade link - SQQ open reverse turn - QQS QQS (finish in closed dance position) progressive link - QQ (to promenade) closed promenade - SQQS tango walk - SS progressive side step - QQ start again Home | Dance Videos 2007 | Dance Videos 2008 | Dance Videos 2009 | Dance Videos 2010 |