Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - hustle, June 2009 - Taught by Marlyn MacDonald and performed by Jack and Xu (syllabus).

Also see, advanced June tango video

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Hustle dance lesson syllabus:

Closed basic (i.e. opposition or side break), , with overturn, and hand change, man crosses track, to closed dance position and with hammerlock hold (&1 23)

Closed basic (left hand to left hand), with underarm turn to right (0.5 turns), and man stepping onto track (&1 23)

Open break with j-hook to shadow position (&1 23)

Side/opposition break to 1.5 left turns; man crosses track (&1 23)

Side break to 0.5 left turn; man with underarm back spot turn (&1 23)

Open basic (2-hand hold), ending with head loop to closed dance position (&1 23)

Closed basic to left with man crossing track (&1 23)

Closed basic with underarm turn to right with man stepping onto track for hip catch with right hand

Forward/check break (toward woman) and then free spin her down the track; man step back and off track [man's free spin is optional], (&1 23, &1 23)

New York walk &1 23, &1 23 (man's back lock on first &1, woman's underarm right turn on second 23); repeat

Man around woman (&123, &123); repeat

Open break with j-hook to shadow position (&1 23)

T-spins - alternate basic from shadow to closed-crossed hand hold; man crossing track; woman alternates between 0.5 turns to right and 1.0 turns to left; finish with hand change to 2-hand hold

Open break to women's right turn to check (illusionary 2-hand turn i.e. with hand change) with both facing wall (shadow position), (&1 23); right side break for woman and back down track with 0.5 right turn with wrist drop to hand change (i.e. changing from a cross-hand hold with man left hand on top to cross hand hold with man's left hand on bottom), (&1 23)

Open break to shadow position (woman on left side), (&1 23)

Woman's foot change (&); hitch kick with left foot (1);

0.5 left turn (&2), 0.5 right turn (3); free spin to right (2 full turns), (&1 23)

Hip catch to free spin to dip (&1 23, &1 23); dip on the 2nd 2

Release to basic

Basic pickup with head loop
