Balboa Park Dancers advanced dance lesson - tango, June 2009 - Taught by Marlyn MacDonald and performed by Jack and Xu (syllabus).

Also see, advanced June hustle video

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Tango dance lesson syllabus:

DW - Link to promenade (7,8 count of measure), QQ

DW - Basic chase:
SQQQ (to closed dance position on 2nd quick, facing wall; on 3rd quick, step forward and outside partner, with CBM, to facing ALOD)
QQ&Q (chasse to mans right)

DW - Link to promenade QQ

DW (new LOD) Extended chase:
SQQQ (as above for basic chase);
QQQQ (pivot turns)
QQ (first quick is left foot forward and leading with left side; 2nd quick is outside partner with CBM and lowering in right knee to check)
QQ&Q (chasse to right)

DW (new LOD) - Link to promenade QQ

LOD - Syncopated Promenade walk to closed dance position (woman closes with left foot in front of right, SQQ&)

LOD - Fallaway to slip pivot - QQQQ

LOD - Reverse turn with Viennese cross, QQS QQS (optional count = QQ& QQ&)

DW – Reverse turn with chasse finish to facing wall, QQQQ

W – Oversway, S

W - Shape – SSSS (man lowers into left knee for 2 slows, elevates on 3rd slow while shifting weight to his right foot, to promenade on 4th slow)

Dave's Add-On:

DW - Closed Promenade, SQQS
DW - Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn, QQSS
DC - Open Reverse Turn Lady In-Line, QQSQQS
DW - Tango Walk (Man’s Right Foot), S
DW - Natural Rock Turn, SQQSQQS
DW - Progressive Link, QQ
DW - Natural Promenade Turn, SQQS (finish facing DW of new LOD)
